In Scrum, one of the most important outcomes from a Sprint Planning session is for members of the Scrum Team to agree on a statement that summarizes what they intend to achieve during the iteration (Sprint). When deciding how to articulate that statement, or Sprint Goal, Scrum teams choose a subset of work items from the Product Backlog during Sprint Planning. That set of work items that they decide to work on constitutes the Sprint Backlog. Thus, the Sprint Goal is closely tied to the Sprint Backlog. To paraphrase what the Scrum Guide says, the Sprint Goal is the commitment that the team makes, in association with the Spring Backlog artifact. Establishing a Sprint Goal helps ensure that all members of a Scrum Team have a shared understanding of what they seek to accomplish. An added benefit of a Sprint Goal is that it serves as a summary of the business value that the team intends to deliver, which is much more readily understood by stakeholders than simply listing the work items in the Sprint Backlog.
Related Media
Sprint Goal Video
Sprint Goal Podcasts
Sprint Goal Example
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Authored by Philip Rogers
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