In Agile software development, stakeholders have the opportunity to frequently test and validate that value has been delivered, in the form of building blocks that gradually make a product better. When combined, these building blocks make up larger chunks of business value. The benefits of incremental delivery are that some value can be achieved sooner, customers can see working products earlier, and adjustments can be made based on what is learned from collaborating with customers.
Incremental delivery often comes in the form of testable improvements every couple of weeks or less. It is also common, as part of incremental delivery, for complete features to be released to customers and stakeholders as part of a Minimal Viable Product (MVP).
Related Media
Incremental Delivery Video
Incremental Delivery Podcasts
Incremental Delivery Example
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Authored by Steve Moubray
Edited by Philip Rogers
Photo by La-Rel Easter on Unsplash
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