There is a software development approach which leverages practices that originated with Test Driven Development (TDD), adding a user behavior-centric focus. Behavior Driven Development (BDD) employs domain-specific language (DSL) to express both user behaviors and the expected outcomes from those behaviors in each unit of work, or “user story.” It’s helpful to think “from the outside in”, by implementing only those behaviors which contribute most directly to the desired business outcomes, to minimize waste. Usage of DSL makes it possible to describe those behaviors with a notation that is understandable to business domain experts, testers and developers. And by applying these techniques all the way down to the lowest levels of abstraction of the software, BDD helps ensure that evolution of the software is less difficult over time.
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Behavior Driven Development Video
Behavior Driven Development Podcasts
Behavior Driven Development Example
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Authored by Philip Rogers
Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash
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