There is a set of values and principles, which was articulated via the Agile Manifesto. Agile product development maximizes customer value while minimizing waste and shortening time to market.
A related set of values and principles originated with Lean, which includes five elements: the goal, kaizen (continuous improvement), product development flow, respect for people and Lean-Agile Leadership.
One of the biggest differences between Agile and Waterfall is that with Agile, there is a recognition that there are many unknowns whenever a new undertaking begins, and that it is not realistic to make a plan in advance which can possibly account for all of those unknowns. To speed the process of discovery, Agile focuses on incremental delivery over short time periods, which shortens the feedback loop to understand what has worked, what has not worked, along with ways to improve as the work proceeds. A common enabler for continuous improvement at the team level is a retrospective, such that team members gain valuable insights from each other, and from customers and stakeholders, on the most recent product delivery, realized via what Scrum calls the ” Increment”.
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Authored by Philip Rogers
Adapted by Karl Smith
Photo by Photo by Ferran Feixas on Unsplash
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